Product Assessment System.

(788 hits) 14 Dec 2018 in Projects by Dario L. Mindoro

Re-writing my codes

Re-writing my old developed system for PsIndex Company, I was using a pure native php coding approach on this system without using any framework, I just created my own class although it was good in terms of security and code control as I know every code from every php files that I created unlike using a ready to use framework that come with thousands of library files that I don't know what on it, but I realised that my code is getting old and upgrading is very difficult as I have to edit all the files that I created to migrate the system to latest PHP version, 

What is Product Assessment System?

This system is being widely used by contractors and engineers across UAE for as construction materials has to comply with the countries mandatory green sustainability codes such as Al-Safat, DGBR (Dubai Green Building Regulations), Estidama. LEED, QSAS/GSAS, DCL and DCD.

Every product used on building have to be assessed by PQP Engineer this means that all those sustainability codes and it credit have to be carefully checked and technical document have to be submitted by the product supplier,  these process took time or weeks to finish a year ago as it has been done manually but now using this Product Assessment System those weeks of processing now only take minutes

I created this system for a consulting company  PsIndex LLC a sub company of CeresUAE the recent company I worked with .

Tagged in : Php, Laravel, Linux

Author :
Dario L. Mindoro

Author of, Full-stack developer, interested in media streaming, automation, photography, AI, and digital electronics.