My Works.

(1215 hits) 18 Apr 2020 in Projects by Dario L. Mindoro


I have more than 20 years of experience in the field of Information Technology and I am almost confident on several area specially in web development, below are tools/language/frameworks I used for web development.

Ok enough of of these skills listing, lets get down to what I have done so far, please scroll down to see some of my projects.

Front-End Systems Projects

Note: Due to the company policy of my previous employer I am not allowed to put a link on some of the systems I created.

WCast Stream Manager

Icecast and Shoutcast Stream Server Control panel. This system manage stream server that is widely used by internet radio broadcaster, it can able to create playlist, upload mp3 files and set to autodj, it has also a reporting page for stream status and listeners, I created this system for Whooshstream company. [Made with: Native PHP, MySQL, JQuery, HTML5, CSS3]
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Airloud Dynamic Radio Player Editor

A dynamic web-based radio player editor for internet broadcaster, it used a drag and drop feature for arranging items or image on the player, the player can be instantly previewed and embed on the website and can be viewed even on the mobile phone. [Made with: Laravel, MySQL, JQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Fabric.js, JPlayer.js] Read More

Product Material Assessment System

A system used by building contractors in Dubai for Independent assessment of each product for all possible DGBR, Al Sa’fat, Estidama credits, and scenarios, giving precise information on its compliance and where it can be used. [Made with: Laravel, MySQL, JQuery, HTML5, CSS3]

Construction Rating System

A building design tool aimed at helping designers, construction firms, and owners to build and operate homes, buildings and communities more sustainably. The Construction Rating requires that all collateral, branding and communication materials identify the project as a Pearl Construction Rated project. [Made with: Native PHP, MySQL, JQuery, HTML5, CSS3]

Dubai Green Building System

A procurement system for Dubai building construction, this system insure that all materials used for building construction meet the standard credit code specification and requirments for every materials. [Made with: Native PHP, MySQL, JQuery, HTML5, CSS3]

Mobile App Project

RadioBox HD

An android app for Internet radio player, this app display multiple channel, station website, facebook page, twitter page, chat page. The features of this radio app are; auto-reconnect, can play MP3 and AAC audio stream format, artist image for the current playing song, slide banners that can be uploaded on the web based admin panel, background playing. This app is used Whooshstream company for its clients. .  Note: This app is no longer available on Google Play store as it was removed due to no update policy but you can still view it from Apkpure website or you can still download the APK file here after you install on your android phone just run and enter "web" for station code
[Made with: Eclipse IDE, Java, Php, MySQL, XML] Read More

Airloud Player

This is a modified version of RadioBox HD app but created using Android Studio, this is an Internet radio player for use with, this app display multiple channel, station website and facebook page. The features of this radio app are;play MP3 and AAC audio stream format, artist image for the current playing song, slide banners that can be uploaded on the web based admin panel, background playing. .  Note: This app is currently under development and not available yet on Google Play store.
[Made with: Android Studio IDE, Java]

Flash Animation

Around 2010 Flash is very popular and mostly the fancy thing on every website, that time I created several flash animated card and games on the company I worked in UAE. Here are some snapshot of my projects. Read More

Website Projects

I started designing website around start of year 2000 and most of the website I created are not anymore active online but I have some screen capture and link to its files hosted on my server, some of them are still active and I put a link to its domain, those old website uses flash which is not anymore working on most of the modern browser also you can still view it by activating the flash plugin on your browser or by using Firefox browser, you can check here my collections of the website I created from past to present. Read More

Software Created

All the software I created was made using Visual Basic6 which obviously obsolete at this time, the software can still run on old Window Operating system from Windows 95 to Windows XP, I'd very much enjoyed those time when I am working on this system as I have proven that I can do anything with the right tools, some software I made was School Registration, Speech Lab voice recognition, Mp3 player, Face recognition, Staff scheduling, POS, Office Memo utility software and Computer Laboratory student monitoring, and some utility software such as electrical control switch via computer, public address system, Database to Excel data import, Database backup utility. Read More

Hardware/Device Created

Before I became a web programmer I was a Digital/Electronic Technician I took some vocational course in Digital electronics, when I started working on the computer I integrate my knowledge on Digital Electronics into computer programming so basically a computer program can able to control an external device by communicating with it using serial or parallel port of a computer, there was no USB port yet on the computer that time. Please do check here some of my devices created. Read More

Tagged in : Php, Photography, 3D

Author :
Dario L. Mindoro

Author of, Full-stack developer, interested in media streaming, automation, photography, AI, and digital electronics.