Radio Player Editor.

(722 hits) 17 Jan 2021 in Projects by Dario L. Mindoro

Airloud Online Radio Player Editor

This project was used by, the idea is to let the user design thier own radio player widget online and don't need to worry about html and css coding, the process is simple just drag and drop the required object on the player or upload your own image to use as the player skin, all item size, location and values are saved on the backend database and just render it webpage, an embbed code is available for the user to copy and paste it on thier website. This player uses HTML5 for canvas rendering and audio engine.

  • Client Airloud
  • Skills: Laravel, PHP/MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, J/avascript, JSON, FabricJS
Test The Player

Here below the video on how to used the player editor.

Here are some of the screen shot of the pages inside user panel.

Tagged in : Php, JQuery, JavaScript, Graphics

Author :
Dario L. Mindoro

Author of, Full-stack developer, interested in media streaming, automation, photography, AI, and digital electronics.