3D and Graphic Designs
My 3D created Graphics for AD campaign ads, I used 3D max to render the remote control and used Adobe Photoshop to mix or blend the image of the girl with the remote control.
The stone stack graphics was only made in Photoshop.

Social Stressed Canvas Art
My first attempt to draw a figurative style art using acrylic paint, I actually don't like the output as it too much contrast I made the mistake of using black stroke and about to throw but I tried to alter and play around with some color and texture, the more I look on it the more I like it.
I called this painting "Social Stressed" I don't know but it just came into my mind that name when I looked at the final output of the painting, maybe that lady pretending to set comfortably looking at her phone but felt stress for what she saw, the red color around her is like a fire.

This is the final painting on a black frame.

Started with a draft sketch and copy it to the actual canvas for painting guide.

Start with yellow and red for inner layer paint

Add dark contrast by adding black color and then apply some wet cotton damping to produce a random texture

Let it try for a 30 minutes and then wash it with water scrub with scotch brite sponge to make it look like old panting.

There it is on a black frame hanging on my wall.

Dario L. Mindoro
Author of Mindworksoft.com, Full-stack developer, interested in media streaming, automation, photography, AI, and digital electronics.