Ceres Online Sustainability System.

(595 hits) 16 Jul 2019 in Web Development by Dario Mindoro

Online Sustainability System

Ceres Online Sustainability System (eCOSS) provides the most interactive and intelligent platform available for sustainability management throughout all phases of a project from planning, design and construction through to final approval and is accessible online 24/7.

This is one of the system I created when I was working at Ceres LLC in Abu Dhabi, UAE. the panel is not that fancy but it is full of features that are very useful to Architects and Contractors in UAE, this will speed up their process to almost 75% compare to normal manual processing.

I used a native start from scratch PHP coding and MySQL database, I did not use any framework on this system so I have full control of how the system work, all idea was came from my boss as he is an architect and knows all the manual processing all I need to do is convert his idea into a working function on the syste.

  • Client Ceres LLC, UAE
  • Skills: PHP/MySQL, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Javascript, JSON, XML

Main Page. This is the page where user start the process, they need to select which project to work on and then select the stage, this is actually the PQP panel so the the contractor got a different layout page.

Project Data Page. This is the project information page and also the page where Project manager can assign works for team members

Project Data Setup Page. Before the PQP, Project Manager and Contractor can start working on the project they need to gather information and setup the data on this page.

Transaction Page. This is where the transaction process data was stored and approve, both contractor, supplier and PQP can see this page so they will know if the transaction has been approved or rejected

Tagged in : JQuery, JavaScript, Internet, Linux

Author :
Dario Mindoro

Author of Mindworksoft.com, Full-stack developer, interested in media streaming, automation, photography, AI, and digital electronics