Developer's LogWatcher.

(591 hits) 22 Apr 2022 in Projects by Dario L. Mindoro

I created this small utility for my own use to display selected log file on the website in real time using websocket and NodeJs, and ReactJs this can be use to debug or inspect data on your code on the server side, very similar to tail on the terminal, the log file can either get generated by Apache, PHP, or the server itself, the log output on the web is more readable than doing the tail command on the terminal.

This utility App do its very basic purpose but its functionality can be extend, user-interface can be improve, everyone is invited to contribute and enhance this utility for more feature, feel free to clone and create a branch from the repository here

Tagged in : Php, NodeJS

Author :
Dario L. Mindoro

Author of, Full-stack developer, interested in media streaming, automation, photography, AI, and digital electronics.